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MDT Conference

This very successful event was held on Saturday the 12th of November at Penrhos College, Como, WA. A day of workshops was an absolute treat, and the opportunity to meet in person again was fabulous. Workshops were held concurrently, making the choice difficult for some participants. A huge thanks to Lyn Dymond, HEIAWA President who worked tirelessly to organise the day and Jennifer Rule and Penrhos College who hosted the day. Thanks also to our presenters, HEIAWA committee members and Jodi, our PL administrator. A special thanks is extended to all participants who attended this event.

Michelle Pike is a well-known fashion illustrator, artist and teacher who kept the group busy as they worked their way through the structured, but creative fashion illustration session. Participants were greeted with workspaces set up with all the requirements to create their own fashion illustration masterpieces. The process started with drawing shapes over a faint croquis…. and ended with the addition of glitzy nail varnish for a bit of bling. The multiple steps in between built on the basics and added form, definition, colour and texture to bring the illustrations to ‘life’. The process used a wide variety of mediums, including water-colour paint, candlewax, pencils, permanent fine-liners through to ‘sharpie’ style markers, gel pens and nail polish mentioned earlier. Michelle demonstrated each technique, giving us plenty of tips and guidance along the way. This session was a great start to the day.

The overlocker session, presented by Brad Lewis, from Burnells, was designed to familiarise teachers with the range of Bernina machines and overlockers available. This included a new self-threading overlocker that was the envy of every teacher in the room! Participants tried out the latest range of overlockers and sewing machines by making a simple project that could be replicated in the classroom. Brad reminded everyone that the Bernina website has many great resources that are useful to teachers.

The Cricut sessions were presented by Natalee Graveson, an official ANZ Cricut Ambassador and official Cricut product expert. Natalee introduced the various Cricut machines and discussed the uses of each one. She presented an amazing range of projects that she had created, many of which would be perfect for the classroom. Participants used a variety of tools to create a stenciled bag to take away. Further information on Cricut crafting can be found on the Facebook community called Cricut crafting for families. If you would like further information on Cricut classes, you can email Natalee at

Ellen Morrow is a home economics teacher who is currently lecturing at Edith Cowan University. She is a committee member of HEIAWA and has a passion for all things relating to textiles and sustainability. Ellen’s workshop on felting ran us through the process of felting from the types of wool, where supplies can be purchased, equipment requirements and the required techniques to ensure the wool felts. Our first task was to produce felt around a bar of soap. This activity introduced us to forming a shape out of soap as opposed to a flat sheet. Once completed, we moved on to felting around a golf ball with the idea of cutting the felt off and using it to form a container for Airpods. This session provided us with some introductory projects that could be used with students and enabled us to think about the many possibilities when considering the functional and embellishment opportunities of this product.

The Sashiko workshop presented by Cath Clarke provided participants with background information, supplies required and a chance to view a variety of outstanding projects that had been made by Cath, using Sashiko and other hand-stitching techniques. Cath uses Japanese fabrics in her work and the quality and subtle colours of the materials were showcased in her exquisite work. With a traditional Sashiko design pre-printed on our fabric, it was our turn to have a go. Stitching and a chance to catch up with colleagues and friends was a relaxing end to the day.

Cheryl Lundy is an extraordinary textiles teacher, a recent winner of the Professional Teaching Council of WA Outstanding Professional Service Award and a member of the Materials Design and Technology Curriculum Advisory Committee. Cheryl provided us with information outlining the changes to the ATAR portfolio requirements for, Materials Design and Technology: Textiles. The modifications to this section of the course will reduce the workload in this area and provide more time for other sections of the course. This change is sure to be welcomed by both students and teachers.

Noelene Matthews.



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