CFC Conference
On Friday 19th November, 2021 HEIAWA conducted an all-day conference at the Mount Lawley Golf Club for 83 teachers of Children, Family and the Community. The conference began with the Keynote address, Everyone deserves a second chance, which was delivered by Jade Lewis.
Jade is an award-winning author, speaker and founded the not-for-profit organisation, Yellow Ribbon Project, which advocates for a second chance for female prisoners. Home | Yellow Ribbon Project
This was followed by a presentation by two lawyers from the Family Law Practitioners’ Association Council who proceeded to unravel some of the more complicated aspects of the Family Law Act that pertain specifically to the welfare of children.
Dr Pauline Roberts. Lecturer, Early Childhood studies at Edith Cowan University spoke about Young Children in the Digital World: Balancing How and How Much. Her research, which focusses on the physical, emotional and social aspects of digital technology on young children, gave attendees much food for thought. Of particular concern is the findings that over 30% of children under two own their own digital device.
Carly Lewis, from the David Wirrapanda Foundation concluded the morning session with information about an engagement program in the education setting that the Foundation runs for indigenous girls, Deadly Sista Girlz.
The afternoon programme was facilitated by Jen Wheatley, Principal Consultant, School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Jen began the session with a curriculum update, which was followed by delegates reviewing assessment tasks.
The conference provided the opportunity for teachers to catch up with colleagues and expand their networking groups. It was gratifying to see several country teachers in attendance, some of whom had travelled long distances to attend.
Lyn Dymond
HEIAWA Conference Convenor